Showing posts with label Kansas State College. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kansas State College. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Sigma Delta Chi award

Thu, Apr 16, 1931 – 8 · Manhattan Republic (Manhattan, Kansas) ·

"Esther Rockey, Manhattan, and Clare Harner, Howard, are winners of the Sigma Delta Chi award, announced recently, given to the seniors in the department of journalism at Kansas State, with the highest scholastic standing. Miss Rockey's (left) average is 2.43 points and Miss Harner's 2.27 points." --Manhattan Republic (Manhattan, Kansas), April 16, 1931.

Thu, Jan 15, 1931 – 1 · The Manhattan Mercury (Manhattan, Kansas) ·

Sigma Delta Chi Scholarships to Esther Rockey, Clare Harner.

"Miss Esther Rockey, Manhattan, and Miss Clare Harner, Howard, seniors in industrial journalism at the college, have been announced winners of scholarships awarded by Sigma Delta Chi, national journalistic fraternity. The award is made to students having best scholarship record in the highest ten percent of the journalism graduating class." --The Manhattan Mercury (Manhattan, Kansas), January 15, 1931.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Clare Harner in the 1931 Royal Purple

Clare Harner - 1931 Royal Purple
Clare Harner graduated in 1931 from Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, now Kansas Sate University. As shown in her college yearbook, she majored in Journalism and wrote for the student newspaper (Collegian) as a Junior. In her Senior year Clare Harner worked on the college humor magazine (Brown Bull) and the "Humor" department of the Royal Purple.

CLARE HARNER - - - - - - Howard
Industrial Journalism

Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Delta Chi Scholarship Award,
Quill Club (2, 3, 4), Glee Club (3), Brown Bull Staff (4),
Collegian Staff (3), Royal Purple (4).
--1931 Royal Purple